
SVR 200 NF-SuezCanal-Port Said-Crane Suspended Vibro Hammer

Port Said Project in Egypt with SVR 200 NF

OMS – Crane Suspended Vibratory Hammer SVR 200 NF in Egypt

OMS Crane Suspended Vibratory HammerSVR 200 NF and its Power Pack PP 1536 are working in Port Said in Egypt.

It is driving casing piles with diameter 2050 and total length 70 m.

Click to See About the Production Process of Crane Suspended Vibratory Pile Driver SVR 200 NF in Manufacturing Plant

Click to See Technical Specifications of SVR 200 NF

Crane Suspended Vibro Hammer SVR 101 NF

Crane Suspended Vibro Hammer SVR 101 NF

OMS – Crane Suspended Vibratory Hammer SVR 101 NF in Egypt

As continuing of our successful  story in Egypt, we managed to manufacture and operate Crane Suspended Vibro Hammer SVR 101 NF for driving casing piles in eastern portsaid. SVR 101 NF with eccentric moment 101.6 kgm and power pack PP 1042 with total output power 1042 hp has managed to  drive 35 m legth casing pile and 2050 mm diameter in record time despite the soil condition in this area, which wons the customer’s trust and establish successfully our first step to be strongly in Egyptian market.


Advantages of SVR 101 NF 

  • High performance,
  • Strong in power which can drive heavy equipment successfully,
  • High eccentric moment and vibration amplitude,
  • Suitable for all different soil and working conditions,
  • Performance of desired power settings and work tracking by the control system,
  • Innovative structure adapting to fast developing technology,
  • Time and cost saving,
  • Powerful, reliable and long life.
Crane Susoended Vibratory Hammer SVR 200 NF

Crane Suspended Vibratory Hammer SVR 200 NF

OMS – Crane Suspended Vibratory Hammer SVR 200 NF in Egypt

OMS Crane Suspended Vibratory Hammer SVR 200 NF and its Power Pack PP 1536 is currently being worked in Portsaid in Egypt – the machine is used in difficult condition and approved its success in higher performance in reasonable time which is badly required for this kind of critical Project. In this project , it is needed to drive casing piles with diameter 2050 and total length 70 m divided by two.

Advantages of SVR 200 NF 

  • High performance,
  • Strong in power which can drive heavy equipment successfully,
  • High eccentric moment and vibration amplitude,
  • Suitable for all different soil and working conditions,
  • Performance of desired power settings and work tracking by the control system,
  • Innovative structure adapting to fast developing technology,
  • Time and cost saving,
  • Powerful, reliable and long life.
Vibratory Hammer Production Process

Vibro Hammer Technology of the Future

We Set the Vibro Hammer Technology of the Future

We have mastered the design and manufacture of vibratory pile driving/extracting machines, hydraulic power packs, hydraulic clamps, tunnel boring machines and soil improvement equipment since 1987. OMS is produced with innovative technology.

Today OMS is a world brand in the production of vibratory pile driving equipment, with its products performing in all conditions around the globe. We contribute to the technological advance of vibratory pile driving equipment with the combination of research and development and an experienced technical aware team. Because we always turn our faces towards the future.

Custom Design and Manufacturing for Your Needs

Crane Suspended Pile Driver

One More Powerfull Vibratory Hammer

We Have Produced One More Powerfull Vibratory Hammer:

SVR 200 NF

Crane Suspended Vibratory Hammer SVR 200 NF is one of the most powerfull vibratory hammer which can drive heavy equipment successfully. Because it has high eccentric moment and centrifugal force. It is suitable for all different soil and working conditions. Crane Suspended Vibratory Hammer SVR 200 NF is powered by OMS Power Packs.

Production Proces of Crane Suspended Vibratory Hammer SVR 200 NF in OMS Manufacturing Plant

OMS - Crane Suspended Vibro Hammer SVR200NF
Crane Suspended Vibro Hammer on Manufacturing Plant
Production Process of Crane Suspended Vibro Hammer
Crane Hanging Vibro Hammer

Factory Tests of Crane Suspended Vibro Hammer SVR 200 NF

Crane Suspended Vibratory Hammer
Crane Suspended Vibratory Hammer
Crane Suspended Vibratory Hammer
Hydraulic Power Pack
OMS Project Team - Testing Crane Hanging Vibro Hammer

SVR 200 NF and Its Power Pack Shipped to Job Site in Egypt


You can also see technical drawing and technical details of Crane Suspended Vibratory Hammer SVR 200 NF and Power Pack PP 1536. You can click to see about SVR 200 NF project on jobsite.


OMS Vibro Hammer Design and Technology

OMS Design and Technology

See Why Professionals Prefer OMS Pile Driving Equipment

We produce Custom Design Vibratory Pile Driving Equipment with the last technology for your project.


Hydraulic Power Pack

OMS Hydraulic Power Pack

OMS Power Units for Driving Vibratory Hammers



Crane Suspended Vibratory Hammer

Vibratory Hammer – SVR 50 NF

SVR series vibratory pile drivers are recommended in projects requiring a high driving or extracting force. SVR type vibro hammers are powered by OMS Power Packs.

OMS Crane Suspended Vibratory Hammer - SVR 50 NF

Vibratory Hammer Pile Driver

Crane suspended (SVR) and Excavator Mounted (OVR) types of vibratory pile driving machines are designed to drive and extract all types of piles including sheet, tube (casing), timber and H-beam, also I-beam and steel plates.
SVR type of vibratory piling machines are recommended in projects requiring a high driving or extracting force. SVR type vibratory hammers are powered by OMS Power Packs, which have equipped with remote control and touch screen control panels. These controls are used to adjust the vibrator to suit different ground conditions.
Specially designed OVR excavator mounted vibro hammers are easily adapted to the excavator by connection bracket produced by OMS. They are hydraulically driven by the excavators and easily operated by excavator operator. OVR series excavator mounted vibro hammers requires not any modification on the excavators.

Advantages of OMS Vibratory Pile Drivers

  • With OMS hydraulic clamps, the ideal solution for every type of piles,
  • Innovative structure adapting to fast developing technology,
  • Time and cost saving,
  • 24/7 technical services and spare part support,
  • Powerful, reliable and long life.